New For 2017 - Diagnostic Muscle Testing Dr. David Leaf

This book is designed to teach the basics of quality muscle testing to groups that are involved with physical medicine.

There are other books that have been done for years on this subject. The problem is that
static pictures do not relate the motion of the body part being tested nor the changes that the person being tested will do to compensate or recruit to attempt to have a “strong” test.

It was to add to this information that this book was done. I have taught muscle testing
for over 40 years as part of applied kinesiology to doctors of chiropractic, medicine, osteopathy and dentistry. This has given me the opportunity to see the struggle that many have in developing quality skills. Aside from my patient base, I have had the great
opportunity to test and treat members of all of the major professional sports and
Olympic athletes.

In biomechanical problems, you will have to test these muscles in various positions to uncover “hidden” problems. These tests will be covered in the following books along with the small muscles of the hand and foot..

Recently, I went to a primary care doctor who did muscle testing of the upper extremity that was so poor that all he could have found was a person with almost complete atrophy or had a stroke.

Learning muscle testing is an art and needs to be practiced so that youcan use it on almost anyone.

The basics of the testing of individual muscles, their interrelationships with other muscles, and procedures to normalize function are covered.

Basic muscle testing has been around for decades. It has been advanced by members of the International College of Applied Kinesiology.

This book will be followed by others describing in detail how to correct musculoskeletal problems and will include not only what therapy is done in the office but also what therapy the injured person can do at home to speed recovery.

I have omitted the testing of the small muscles of the hands and foot. These will be covered in books on these subjects. The muscles of the head, especially the TMJ muscles will also be covered in another book.

Future books are planned in the same format. I will be discussing the major problems encountered in the office. The discussion center more on the treatment and the home care that the patient can do to speed recovery. Again, the use of embedded videos I feel will make these books an improved method for getting across the various techniques and procedures that improve your results.

The advancement of digital publishing makes this a great opportunity to increase the knowledge we are trying to impart. They used to say that a picture is worth a thousand words,. If that is  so, then how many words does a video replace.

This is followed by examples of using muscle testing to help diagnose peripheral nerve entrapments.

I have also included a short dissertation on what I call Functional Muscle Testing. This topic will be covered in future works but is included to give you an idea that the basic positions in muscle testing need to be adapted to the individual needs of the patient and what they do bio mechanically.

I hope this book helps you with your patients. Remember, muscle testing is an art and takes dedication and time to become proficient. Don’t get frustrated.

David Leaf, D.C. DIBAK


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